What Is our 6 Step Process

We do this process on all records, regardless of what they are.  Even bargain bin items.

(1) Preliminary cleaning with distilled water
(2) Deep cleaning with AIVS solution, and vacuumed by VPI
(3) Ultrasonic bath, followed by distilled water rinse
(4) Zap with static gun
(5) Replace inner sleeve with anti-static inner sleeve
(6) Replace outer sleeve with new outer sleeve

We spent years of discovering and trying out different brands of record cleaning solution, including home brew solution, and we come to the conclusion of AIVS record cleaning solution yield the best result.

AIVS stand for Audio Intelligent Vinyl Solutions.  You can check them out at www.audiointelligent.com.

We also replace the inner sleeve with brand new anti-static inner sleeve, but keep the original inner sleeve (if they are not the plain white sleeves).  We also add brand new outer sleeves to each record for protection.  We don't just choose the lowest cost ones.  We do care about the cost, but also more importantly the quality of them.

We clean all the records, so that we can have a much better evaluation of the condition, and also ultimately we want you to be able to just get the record and play without the need to go through all the cleaning and storage need.  However, be sure to use your brush to wipe clean before and after play.

Hope you enjoy your records.

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